Wood Fencing Tips Before Choosing

There are several types of wood used for fencing. However, one type of wood may not be the best choice for your specific yard and life-style. For example, some types of wood will need to be cleaned regularly because they become dirty very easily; while other types of wood don’t clean up as nicely and therefore require constant painting or staining to keep them looking tidy and neat.

What type of fence is the best choice? It depends on your individual needs and desires. You need to consider how much upkeep you want (or can handle), what features you’re looking for in a fence, what your neighborhood regulations are, and if privacy is an issue.

The most popular woods used for fencing include: Cedar Wood, Cypress Wood, and Redwood Wood


Cedarwood is a very popular choice for fencing. It is durable and less expensive than other woods. Because cedarwood contains natural oils, you don’t have to worry about painting or staining it very much. However, depending on where you live and your climate conditions (sunny vs. shady), the fence may need cleaning or recoating every 3-5 years; especially if it becomes dirty from trees around your property shedding pollen and leaves onto your fencing.


Cypress wood also needs to be cleaned and recoated every few years depending on the weather conditions in your area – more often in hotter, sunny areas – because cypress contains lots of natural oils that can cause the boards to crack when they dry out too much. Cypress wood is a favorite option for fencing because it is both durable and affordable. However, it will not last as long as cedar or redwood in hotter climates because the sun can quickly dry out the fence boards if they do not get adequate rain or watering.


Redwood fencing needs to be cleaned and recoated about every two years due to its porous nature that absorbs water easily; especially when the wood becomes dirty from falling leaves or other debris while it’s still growing on trees before being harvested for your fencing project. The good news is that you don’t have to worry too much about painting or staining redwood fencing regularly because of its natural oil content which helps protect the wood against absorbing stains from odors, mold, and mildew.

Redwood wood is a type of wood that doesn’t need to be cleaned as much as the other types mentioned because it contains natural oils already. How often you should clean your redwood fence depends on where you live, what area your house is in, and climate conditions. If you live in an area with lots of trees around your home, you’ll have to clean your fencing more frequently because leaves are constantly falling onto the boards which will cause them to become discolored over time if not properly cared for. However, cedar and cypress usually only require cleaning once or twice a year depending on how much pollen and other debris hits the fence from trees surrounding your yard.


If privacy is an issue for you when choosing a fencing type, think about the type of trees around your home. For example, if you live in an area with lots of pine trees where there is little to no shade and therefore the pollen and leaves fall for months for your fence takes a beating from it. This will cause them to become discolored and dirty which will create an unappealing sight for your neighbors and others who pass by.


Cedarwood fencing gives homeowners plenty of options because it requires minimal upkeep while still looking good over time. However, cedarwood is not the only option available; so before deciding on what kind of fence best fits your needs, consider these three types mentioned above as well as any other type you may be interested in using.